THE TOP 10 WORDS/PHRASES THAT SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE...or at least not included in your next script


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After I posted the Top 10 last week (You can view it here), I received so many comments on Facebook and emails from my friends, who helped me realize how many extremely annoying words I forgot about.  Thanks to Alex Cirillo, Francesca Ferrara, Steve Czajkowski and others for the suggestions.
Here is Part II:
10. Dang - There are plenty of other words to express frustration.  Retire this one if you're older than 11.

9. Bunghole - Using this word will make you seem less classy than Andy Dick.

8. Gnarly - I think the only time the word gnarly is applicable when you are describing Spencer from The Hills and his scraggly facial hair.  If you're not a surfer, forget this word exists.

7. Schwing - I loved Wayne's World, but now it's just creepy.

6. Sweet - Time to retire it!  This word is meant to describe a taste, nothing else.

5. Peeps - When you say, "Let me ask my peeps" or "I'll just run it by my peeps" or "I as chillin' wit my peeps" I'M immediately aware that you don't have any friends.

4. Bodacious - Leave this word where it belongs - in 1988.

3. Popo, "the fuzz" - OK.  When upper-class white people refer to the cops as "popo" or "the fuzz," it's just strange and annoying.

2. "Hot as Balls" - I hate when someone says "it's hot as balls in here."  I am a female.  I don't have balls, so I don't know what your balls being hot must feel like for you.  I'm sure the sensation is terrible, but I don't need to know that the room feels like your sweaty balls.  Also, once this expression is used, the room immediately has a corresponding stench.

1. Flavor-savor -  I hate this term!  If you don't know what a "flavor-savor" is, it is a patch of hair that a man has awkwardly grown out on his chin and painstakingly groomed to resemble pubes (which goes unnoticed to the perpetrator of this crime).  They then refer to it as their "flavor savor," which means to me that they never get laid.  Stop using this term and stop growing pubes on your chin!!


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