Things to Check Out // OUTLAW FILM CRITICISM
If you regularly read film reviews and are like me, you’ve become pretty tired of both the overly-academic and cumbersome fare, as well as the sound bite laden stuff found towards the back pages of Rolling Stone and the like. Enter Vern. Yep, just Vern, or Outlaw Vern if you go by the full title of his website,
The man’s writings are addictive. He gained a dedicated fan base from contributing to Ain’t it Cool News, where his off-the-cuff, profanity-laced reviews tackle everything from Michael Bay to Luis Buñuel. While his tastes are refreshingly all over the map, his prime focus is on what he terms “Badass Cinema” films with tough people, explosions and of course a little of the ol’ ultra violence.
Beyond his website, the best way to dive into Vern’s work is through his two published books: Seagalogy: A Study of the Ass-Kicking Films of Steven Seagal and Yippee Ki-Yay Moviegoer!: Writings on Bruce Willis, Badass Cinema and Other Important Topics. I was ready to briefly describe each one, but I think the titles do just fine. Vern writes from the heart, a true fan and enthusiast. He is funny, irreverent and deeply intelligent in a way that brings to mind Hunter S. Thompson above all else. Get crackin’ on these right away.